Blogging with Passion: Exploring Timeless Traditions for Inspiration

Welcome to my blog, beautiful souls.

I''m inviting you all to join me on a journey of beauty, health, nature, passion, traditions and motherhood.

These all will be combined in my blog, and all relate through the same emotion: unconditional love. As all of us on this planet, we are all beautiful the way The Almighty has brought us to it, and giving us the power to create, enjoy, embrace and love all our surroundings. I am a true believer that our Creator had only good intentions for our lives, but by the nature of the human being, and with the power above our faith, we are sadly a self-destroying, selfish race.

As a person, I am a true admirer of mother nature, the miracles, like birth itself, and the undiscoverable reality of existence of the Universe. I love life to the eternity, the fact that, whilst we are born to this world outside our will, we learn new things every day, able to create, love, share and make others happy is through self-will and there is an inner light from somewhere that empowering us to fight and help others.

The ego still stands strong and comes in as a switch when it's more about us. This is why I love animals. They offer unconditional love. They’ve been given no power to speak the human-language, or create, only understand. They still will give the purest, unselfish love and cannot take or ask for anything instead. Although nature should take care of itself, there are human interactions that have intervened in the normal course of things, and our loved for-legged companions have no other choice than to be victims by being used as testers, being part of breeder actions, and other cruel human-led activities. Therefore, I will be trying to address the issues regarding pets and hopefully help others to make decisions regarding any animal for the best of everyone.

Throughout my childhood, I’ve been introduced to the wonderful power of all plants, flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits and seeds. Books, writings and users are all spreading to the world every single day, and I will be continuing this mission. The real value of the ground, the inherited land to produce most of our food, which gives us the energy to live, is also one of the greatest wonders that's unseen by so many.

These are part of our everyday life, and having lived and worked in a different part of the world has made me realise even more the importance of them. So, I have made them my lifestyle, or, they have made me follow a lifestyle which is not possible without growing them, caring for them, and enjoying the real taste in the food that makes us who we are.

The organic market has no other choice, but to thrive, giving back to people the memories of the real tastes of food that our parents, grandparents and their great predecessors thought them, and passed through to us to give further, as the greatest treasure. I am a real advocate of cooking and producing most everyday vegetables, plants, and my mission is to pass this on to the next generation. Of course, with the help of Technology, which makes things easier nowadays, is part of our modern world, so why not use them?

Another topic of this blog will be "The joy of motherhood". It has been the most beautiful experience in my life so far, and although it exhausts my mind, my body and my time, it is still the most rewarding feeling amongst all. To be able to feed the little helpless person through your body, to watch It grow and help succeed, is no other than a mission that’s been given to us as parents. We need to make sure, that are no mistakes, no regrets and are no other sins committed here, as we only have one single chance. To create the next generation, the one that will help with the future of humanity, the planet and the world. To pass on what we know, to guide them towards a better themselves, to stop them hurting others and make their life easy. We need to teach them our traditions, to challenge them to learn and make their whole life a passion.

So, this brings me to my passion, the joy of giving, serving communities, helping to pass on the wealth and power of knowledge. This is through great customer service, marketing the good stuff, about beauty, healthy lifestyle and its components.

Although without science, humanity wouldn't thrive, I am ultimately a great believer of something amazing, something inexplicable and unseen, only written and spoken, the guide of our faith and trust, the ONE and Almighty Creator, Lord and Protector, whom I call God. True miracles do exist, only to the Believers.

With this intro, I am hoping for you to find some beauty and immerse yourselves in my soon-to-be-published articles, about Lifestyle, Traditions and Marketing.

P.S. In the era of AI, I must mention that every word written is free of any AI touch. So perhaps, there will be mistakes here. You must appreciate the fact that these are true, emotional-led words, taking up way longer time to write, phrase and edit, proofread and publish, than those done with the help of the tech-geek, friend of many, AI-buddy.

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